Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Lucky Leprechauns Win

The Roaring Lion Cafe Winners

At the beginning of the term, students in 6S created their own table groups. Each table group earns money as a reward for good behaviour which increases their table value into the millions as the week goes on. On Fridays, the winning table receives muffins from the Roaring Lion Cafe. While the cafe has had a couple of chefs, including Hekan Cook and Mekan Cook, the cafe has now settled with Iken Cookalot.
Congratulations to the Lucky Leprechaun Table who increased their table value the most this week. Elizabeth, Amy, Indyana, Natalia and William should be congratulated on their outstanding behaviour this week. Iken Cookalot is preparing blueberry muffins right now! Ask your child to explain the Roaring Lion Cafe and who Iken Cookalot is!

Please remember that CAMP NOTES need to be returned as soon as possible.

Matt Seeney

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